All pornstars are well listed so that you can choose which model you want to see. There is some information about the models, which is a nice read. Each modelpage leads to the movies. There are about 150 movies on the 8teenboy site and they add a new one on a weekly basis. All movies are exclusive, which mean you won't find them on other sites.
Movies are large in size, but yet they still load very fast and are of high quality. All movies can be watched online in stream or can be downloaded to your own harddisk. A nice feature of the videos is that they are available in iPod format as well. Videos are available in 320x240 and 640x480.
Most of the movies are hardcore sex movies, however there are some "jerk only" movies available as well. At least they know what twinksex is. The models are fresh young guys and they are pretty handsome as well.
Movies are not protected by DRM, which means that you can enjoy downloaded videos, even after you cancel your membership. Most of the video updates contain pictures as well. These are screencaps made from the movie, so the quality is a bit blurry compared to normal digital pictures.
8TeenBoy also offers full DVDs, however they are not free to purchase. Their FAQ section and their full customer support area are their to assist you if you might face any problems. Your membership can be canceled at anytime.
As a member you get free access to: Hot Studs (Read Review), FratBoy (Read Review) and SpankThis.
If you are a big fan of twinks in hardcore action, be sure to check out 8TeenBoy. This site keeps you hard for many hours.
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